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Rules 1.once you join my clan you agree to uphold your loyalty to our clan. 2.once you join you cannot leave and if you leave and decide to come back you will be demoted 5 ranks. 3.if i dont like you your not joining our clan EVER. 4.if i tell you to do something you will do it or your fired!!! 5.i dont take no bull shit so dont give me crap if you leave and you want your respect back you will have to earn it back. 6.always obey your superior officers. may not have any other clan ever and if i find out u have another clan you will be banned from the hell's assassins. must answer all the questions when you sign up. 9.dont bitch about your rank if you want a promotion earn it. 10.respect your leader at all times and dont embarrass our clan it will result in demotion. H'SA terms of service Add Testimonial These testimonials are updated terms and conditions of our clan Approved Testimonials by proud to present. our new tpi policy you must abide by must you sign up top secret information is to be concealed to leader only unless told otherwise punishment will be decided by our leader top secret information policy 01 top secret information policy 01 once you sign up sign up for our clan you hear by state that you are property of h'sa and that you will stay loyal to the clan ps: you cannot have 2 clans at once. you state that you will defend our clan and put our leader first. also to respect other clan members. general or higher can fire low rank members with my consent. H'SA terms of service 03"property policy" H'SA terms of service statement 03"property policy" unless permitted do not view any pages top secret to the clan we have record of you ex. do not go on code-^627 blue without permission failure to comply may result in infection of the computer or expulsion to the clan H'SA terms of service 002 H'SA terms of service statement 002 h'sa terms of service 01 states that this website is for commercial and social use only and that we are not responsible for any vulgar words or actions one might say or do on this site we are not responsible for inappropriate pictures or videos one might post on our site. H'SA terms of service H'SA terms of service statement 01 You earn exp. from pleasing the leader of h'sa aka President Garey. you can also earn exp. from winning clan battles. by earning these points you can use them to level up or show off. You can loose exp. by pissing me off or killing an H'SA member. If you kill an H'SA member you will loose a rank up for each clan member you kill. exp. is the number next to your name on the page members and their ranks. H'SA Exp. level rules and regulations H'SA Exp. level rules and regulations 001 once you leave the clan or you were fired from the clan you may join back on leaders conditions. but you will permanently lose all your awards and will start over. if you do not agree with the terms then that is your fault and only your fault. H'SA terms of service 06 your rights how to earn promotions!!! good in a clan battle. with the clan a long time so i can trust you 3.have mad skill. 4.make the leader or co-leader happy. good at a certain speciality. 6.own the enemy clanz.